Saturday, October 5, 2013


Dear Person I Hate

Truth be told, I don’t actually hate you. There are times when one person is so upset that words are said in the heat of the moment - hurtful words. I may have thought it. I may have felt it at that time, but I don’t think I meant it. Hate is such a strong word, don’t you think? I don’t let that hate feeling dwell in me for far too long. It’s poison. Let’s just say that you’re my least favorite person right now. Period.


Dear Person I Like

I still like you. So maybe it was more than like that I felt, but that doesn’t matter now. I know you won't like me, at least not the way I want you to. Maybe someday... Oh, who am I kidding? It won't happen. Ever. I have to wake up from this dream. 


Dear Ex-Boyfriend

There is a reason you are no longer a part of my life right now. It took me a while to realize it, but now I know and I have come to terms with it. I hope one day you will realize you still love me and want me back. I want to see the look on your face when i tell you, “Thanks, but no thanks..” I wish you all the best… Oh yeah, and there is still that part of me wishing you the worst. But I am glad I have you as an example of what not to look for in the future.


Dear Best Friends

Has it really been 20+ years? I feel like I’ve known you guys forever. We may not get so spend time together as often as we would want, but I know the bond is still there. I love you guys! I know you know that but I just have to say it. I’m glad you’re both my best friends. BFFs forever!


Dear Future Me

I hope you have learned from my past mistakes.


Dear Past Me

Believe in yourself. You are who you are because you feel.

I am

Now this is me, and I am not perfect.

I have bad days. I get into arguments. I mess up a lot. I say things that I shouldn’t. I agree to disagree. I hurt people sometimes unintentionally. My hair doesn’t always look how I want it to. My body disgusts me at times. I have walls and I rarely let people in. I may seem friendly but I know how to keep a distance. But at the end of the day I know who I am and I am me.

I am someone's daughter, someone's sister, someone's aunt, someone's best friend, someone's strength, and someone's friend.

I have feelings.

I hurt. I cry. I smile. I laugh. I accept the world day by day. I go through things just as you do. I am human.

I am me.

New name... New look... Same old sh*t...

And I welcome myself to the blogging world once again.

I wanted to create a new blog and start writing under a new name, but I decided to keep my old one and sort of "revamp" everything up.

Drop Dead Diva Writes is now known as A Girl In Training Heels.


Starting over means deleting all your old posts, taking on a new name, and starting with a fresh, clean slate. Yes. That.

New name.

New blogger look.

Same old sh*t.